How do I create a new login for the Salve portal using MedITEX?

Before staff can log in to the Salve portal, we need to verify their identity as a member of staff at your clinic. The best way to do that is by making sure staff members' personal information is up-to-date in your clinic's EMR (Electronic Medical Record software). 

For each member of staff that needs a Salve login, please ask them to do the following:

  1. From the top menu bar, Click on System Configuration / administration > Personal settings

  2. Click on the Contact Details tab at the top of the new window that opens.
  3. Enter your work email address into the form and click on Save

Once that's done, please send us an email to with a list of the email addresses of the staff members who need logins. We'll then send them invitations to create an account.

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