Getting patients up and running on Salve
- Getting patients set up and using Salve
- How do I search for patients?
- How do I check a patient's details?
- How do I manage what content a patient can see?
- How do I edit existing content for my patients?
- How do I share documents with a patient?
- How to set up a patient in MedITEX
- How to set up a patient in IDEAS
- Set up a patient's medications in MedITEX
- Set up a patient's treatment cycle in IDEAS
- Set up a patient's appointment schedule in MedITEX
- Set up a patient's appointment schedule in IDEAS
- What happens when I unlink a patient and their partner in the EMR?
- Why can't my patient log in/sign up?
- Unlink a partner from a patient in IDEAS
- Unlink a partner from a patient in MedITEX
- Sending documents to patients via MedITEX
- Sending documents to patients via IDEAS
- How do I check what medications and appointments a patient can see in their app?
- How to switch a patient's registered clinic