How to set up a patient in IDEAS
If your clinic uses IDEAS, here's how to get your patients set up and using the Salve app.
- Create a new patient in IDEAS as you normally would. On the menu bar click on File > New Patient and the new patient form will appear.
In the Basic details tab, fill in the Sex, First name, Surname, Date of birth and Knows clinic through fields.
Do not click on the 'Register' button yet. That will be the last step after completing all the below steps.
At the bottom, fill in the E-mail field and at least one of the Home, Work, or Mobile fields. Please keep in mind that a mobile phone number is required to sign up to Salve as patients will be sent an SMS code to verify their identity. - Move on to the next tab, Additional information, to fill in the patient's Marital status (coloured below).
- Go back to the first tab, Basic details, and click the Register button. A Registration no. will be automatically generated for the new patient. Click on Save and Close to complete the process.
- Hand the patient a Salve leaflet which will have your clinic's invitation code printed on it. Your patient will need to enter this code in the app to complete the setup process. The leaflet also has some details on how to download the app onto their phone.
- Set up their appointments and medications for the patient to get complete visibility of their treatment plan in the app.