How do I send a bulk message to all patients?
If you want to send a bulk message to all patients, please send us an email to with the below information:
- Message content - Please note that messages cannot include any special formatting, such as:
- Varying text sizes
- Bold
- Italics
- Underlines
- Colours
- Bullet points
Hyperlinks can be included but only in their raw form e.g., not embedded behind text e.g. Salve
- Clinic site - If you are using Salve at more than one of your clinics, this will tell us patients from which sites should receive the message.
- Starting date and time - This will tell us when we should start sending the messages. Please note that the sending of bulk messages is staggered, so it may take a few hours for every patient to receive the message into their inbox.
Often, bulk messages need to target a specific group of patients rather than all. Some common criteria are:
- Logged in during the last 30 days
- Logged in during the last 60 days
- Have appointments in the future
If you have different criteria, please include with it your request and our team will get back to you.