Sending, accepting, rejecting, and rescinding forms (Care clinics only)

Sending forms to a patient's Salve account

There are several ways to send a form to a patient's Salve account in CIS:

  • via the CREATE/SEND NEW FORM button in the demographics or Forms Management sections of CIS
  • via the + button in the patient's information window in CIS
  • via the bundles wizard in the patient's information window in CIS

Sending a form via the CREATE/SEND NEW FORM button

  1. Select the relevant patient
  2. Click on the CREATE/SEND NEW FORM button

  1. Select the relevant form
  2. Click on the send button to have the form appear in the patient's Salve account

Sending a form via the + button in the patient's information window in CIS

  1. Select the relevant patient
  2. Click on the (i) button to bring up the patient information window
  3. Click on the green + button
  4. Select the Add Form option

  1. Select the relevant form
  2. Clcik on the send button to have the form appear in the patient's Salve account

Sending a form via the bundles wizard in the patient's information window in CIS

  1. Select the relevant patient
  2. Click on the (i) button to bring up the patient information window

  1. Select a template which contains the form you wish to send, or go to the Add Forms tab of the wizard and select the form/s you wish to send

  1. Continue to the Send Documents tab, review what is being sent to the patient, add in a message to be sent to the patient if desired
  2. Click on the Send Documents button to have the form/s appear in the patient's Salve account

Accepting submitted forms in CIS

To accept a form that has been submitted by a patient from their Salve account, please navigate to the Forms Management section of CIS and select the relevant patient.

Then select the relevant submitted form and click on the VIEW/ACCEPT FORM button to bring up the submitted form

Once you have reviewed the form and are happy with what has been returned, you can accept the form by clicking on the ACCEPT FORM button

Rejecting submitted forms in CIS

To reject a form that has been submitted by a patient from their Salve account, please navigate to the Forms Management section of CIS and select the relevant patient.

Then select the relevant submitted form and click on the VIEW/ACCEPT FORM button to bring up the submitted form

Once you have reviewed the form and decide to reject the form, you can reject the form by clicking on the REJECT FORM button.

You will then be prompted to enter a message to give context to teh patient about why you are rejecting their form and which areas they need to correct.

To send the message and return the form to the patient to amend in Salve, please click on the tick button.

Rescinding sent forms in CIS

If you have sent a form to a patient in error, you can rescind the form from the patient's Salve account by navigating to the Forms Management section of CIS and selecting the relevant patient.

Then select the relevant form and click on the CANCEL/REMOVE FORM button to remove the form from the patient's Salve account.

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