How do I link to content in messages?

Linking to content via messaging

  1. Inside the message content box, click on the content link icon:
  2. In the menu that pops up, navigate to the folder or pack that contains the content you want to send
  3. Click on the content article name
  4. This will then be inserted as a URL in the message content box
  5. Finish writing your message, then send as normal
  6. When the patient reads your message, the URL will be tappable so they can open the content. The content will also be added to the Information section of their app:

Removing access to content sent via messages

If you no longer want a patient to have access to content they've been linked to via messaging, you can remove it from their app the normal way you would with content (see step 6 here). Please note that the link will remain in the patient's messages, but when they tap on it they will be shown a message saying they don't have persmission to view.

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