How do I send content to all of my clinic's patients?

There's probably some information you want to send all of your patients, such as pricing lists, team member profiles, or how to get to the clinic.

Here's how to make a piece of content visible to all your Salve-registered patients. This content will become visible to all partners with Salve accounts, too.

  1. Click on Content in the portal's sidebar menu, then under the Folders section navigate to the piece of content you want to make visible to all patients and their partner.Click on the piece of content to open it. At the bottom of the screen, you'll see a checkbox with send to all written next to it. Check that box, then click the Publish button and Confirm in the pop-up window. You'll then see a blue 'All' tag next to the content's name on the next screen.

That piece of content is now available in the Salve app for all patients and their partners! 🎉

You can check what content is visible to everyone by looking in the 'Send To All' content pack:

If you ever want to stop content from being visible to everyone, in the Send To All pack check the box next to the content and click the red 'Remove from Pack' button:

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