How do I create, rename or delete a content pack?
NB: If you don't know what a content pack is, click here to learn about them.
In the portal's sidebar menu, click on Content. To the left of the new screen, you’ll see the content item column including Packs.
Create a pack
- Use the purple ➕ button to the right of the Packs label.
- Type in a pack name. The pack name must be unique.
- Click on the Create button to create the pack.
Rename an existing pack
- Position your mouse cursor over the pack that you want to rename.
- Click on the ✎ edit button to the right of the ㅔack's name.
- Type in a pack name. The pack name must be unique.
- Click on the Save button to confirm the new name.
Delete a pack
- Select a pack from the pack navigation column below the Packs label. The active selection is highlighted with a blue background.
- On the new screen, you’ll see the content of the selected pack. Only empty packs can be deleted.
- Click on the Delete Content Pack button. This button won't be visible if the pack has any content; you'll need to remove any content from it first. If the pack is empty, the button will be there in place of the pack content.
- A confirmation message will appear. Click on Delete to confirm the deletion of the pack.