Viewing staff members via the admin panel

Important: To view this section and perform actions you will need to be granted User Admin permissions. If you need this, please ask a member of your clinic's management to make a request on your behalf to

Through the Users section of the admin panel in Salve, you will have visibility over which staff members have access to Salve.

Viewing staff members

The Users section of the Admin panel contains a list of staff members that have been synced from the clinic’s EMR. For that reason, the staff members will need to be listed in the EMR in order to be displayed in the Users panel.

You can navigate to the Users section of the admin panel by going to Admin > Users.

Once you have opened the users panel you can see the list of EMR-synced staff members in alphabetical order by the staff members’ last name. 

You can search for a particular staff member by using the search bar at the top of the page and entering the staff member’s name or email address. 

Filtering staff members

Once in the users panel, you will also be able to filter the list of staff members by their Salve status type:

  • Active
  • Inactive 

You can clear these filters by clicking X within the filter chip.

Exporting a CSV of staff members

If you would like to export a CSV of all of the staff members listed in the users panel, click on the Export CSV button at the top of the table

Having issues?

If you experience any issues in the Users section of the admin panel, please get in touch with us at

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