How do I view content links?

If you don't know what linked content is, you can have a quick read about it here.

  1. In the portal's sidebar menu, click on Content
  2. Open the Folders label and click on the folder with the content you want to view.
  3. Linked content (shown in the red box below) will have an arrow icon to the left of its title. The arrows represent a hierarchy, with upward arrows indicating Children (looking up to the Parent content) and downward arrows indicating Parents.

Click on any arrow icon to view the content associated with that title. A window showing the content linked to a Parent will appear.

If you want to see the actual content, from the folder click on the Content Title of the row with the content that you want see.

A Parent content will show the content but a Child will show a link to the Parent content instead (as shown below). You can click on the link to visit the Parent content.

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