Set up a patient's treatment cycle in IDEAS
Salve automatically syncs with IDEAS to find a patient's medications and then shows them in the app.
❗️ Medications should be entered into a patient's treatment cycle via Salve treatment modules or Salve treatment plans only❗️
This is for both full protocols and individual instances of drugs. If drugs are not added via treatment modules, there is a high chance they will be displayed incorrectly to the patient.
Start a treatment cycle and assign a treatment plan via treatment modules
- Within a patient's file, click on Treatment cycles in the folders panel to the left, then click on the New... button above to add a new treatment cycle:
- A window will appear to choose between a treatment cycle or an application. Click on Treatment cycle.
- A row for the newly added cycle will appear in the second panel to the right. The panel right below will show the Intended treatment tab.
- In the Treatment details, fill in the required details such as treatment type, doctor, estimated start of treatment date, etc.
- From the treatment plan usage drop-down to the right, choose Use treatment plan.
- Click on the '...' button that will have appeared to the right of the dropdown.
- A window will open for inserting a treatment plan. Click the Treatment module button at the top, then from the dropdowns below select a Phase (usually stimulation or luteal) and a Treatment module.
❗️When picking a treatment module, please choose one with the prefix of (SALVE) e.g. "(SALVE) FTET". This ensures all the medications have a timing assigned to them and will tell the patient exactly when to take.
Type in a start date, then click Save to insert the plan.
- In the Treatment details, fill in the required details such as treatment type, doctor, estimated start of treatment date, etc.
- Once the plan has been inserted, the Plan details tab will be populated automatically.
❗️Double-check this tab to ensure each medication has a time against it. If there's no time, it won't show up in the Salve app properly. - In the Treatment plan tab, make sure you set the date for the Start of follicular phase (LMP). Choose a date, then click on Set date. The status of the treatment in the patient's file will then change from Pre-treatment to In treatment: